Wednesday 12 November 2014

ANNOUNCEMENT!:SILHOUETTES ON BREAK UNTIL 4/12/2014 must all be wondering where the Silhouettes updates went to.Sorry I forgot to announce this,but we've been on break here at THE CHRONICLES OF NIMMY NGUGI since last week.Yeah,bummer!Author has to study for her exams.However, we'll be back on 4th December 2014 with Chapter 3. Got bigger and better and more thrilling chapters lined up just for you.So stay tuned,keep on spreading word about it..share the link then,don't step on a LeGo or anything of the sort.The world needs you alive!We need you alive too.(Well,we mostly need just your eyes alive,but that's besides the point).lol
.Cheers dudes and dudettes!
 Team *go!go!Silhouettes!*

The Author.

Thursday 30 October 2014


The congregation left the hall feeling braver and hopeful as intended.Soon afterwards, the hearse proceeded to the town's graveyard.Everyone seemed to be caught up in their own string of thoughts on that fateful funeral day.Abigail Robinson, being the queen of this jungle of misery, had an even longer trail of sorrowful footsteps that led to her world of thoughts.The world was spinning in her sight, and the lower the casket went into the ground, the more her wit vanished into thin air.Tears of sorrow brimmed her eyes, as she blinked repeatedly in a bid to keep them back.
Charlie held the umbrella he was sharing with Abigail firmly as the rain hadn't been any kinder to them that late afternoon.The fat fluffy clouds,now drifting like huge kernels of popcorn unleashed It's cats and dogs nature to the arena and this masked the sorrow of their grieving.
As the Rabai muttered the seemingly long Jewish prayer that only Charlie seemed not to understand,Abby looked across and her eyes met with those of Scott Daimler.He was an Adonis of some sort and his eyes were ocean-blue and sparkling.The kind that gave you a drowning experience in one blank stare.She was caught up in the moment and nothing seemed to matter for a while,even the echoing words of the Rabai in the background, though important,lost their logic.
Startled,she quickly shifted her pearl-white glare to the ground.A chill of apprehension prickled the hair on Abigail's neck.She had an uneasy sensation,(a sixth sense), that convinced her she was still being watched and this sensation, prickled her scalp,making her head too heavy to go back up
.Her sixth sense was accurate.Scott was staring intently at her and the more she looked down, the harder he stared.It was as if he was trying to memorize every freckle on her face.
Charlie,noticing her shy reaction whispered into her ear,"Stare back,you sissy."
She giggled and stared back and he instantly winked at her.She expeditiously looked away again.
"You smiled, and he've got a collar full of chemistry up your sleeve young lady.''Charlie commented.
"What? Perhaps he merely blinks with one eye at a time," she answered.
"Right..that's exactly what he does.You must be partially blind," he added.
"And for goodness sake Charlie,it's daddy's funeral,you always say the oddest things at the wrong time!"she beckoned.
"What!? I'm sure your father's ghost saw him staring at you and thought,"Biochemistry",he answered bursting into pearls of laughter.
"You should be sued for offending chemicals with poor jokes,"she answered after finishing the laugh in mockery,"And my father's ghost is probably wandering in our neighborhood,looking for Whisky to feed him spiritually because you rarely do."she continued complaining.
"And you should be hanged for offending those with sight,but you know what?I spare you,your death would reduce the chances of Whisky living another day,"he answered sympathetically.
"He's a hardy type.He doesn't need your sympathy.Please,do me the honors,i could use a good stab right about now."she answered.
"I'm your butler not the terminator.Anyway,be optimistic young lady.At least Scott doesn't find this Ecclesiastical prayer amusing.Can't blame a guy and an old buck for seeking entertainment.Now can we?''He asked.
"I reckon that 'entertainment' you are referring to is this fifteen year old Jewish girl who actually thinks the prayer is amusing and is in an upbeat mood,"she answered defensively.
"Think about it, finally,something you like that I can relate to unlike that darn dog we left barking our ears off at home."He answered smiling.
"Drop it Charlie,I do not like him!"she answered.
The Rabai had now concluded the prayer and this marked the end of the rain too.The atmosphere went silent and almost everyone began to walk away.Some turned to mumble a few words to each other,mostly, those in the Family business.The Daimlers(Scott included.He was their only child.),the Blakes and the Robinsons.
Putting down the umbrella,Charlie stretched his hand out dramatically like a ball room dancer,reaching out for Abigail's,"Now come on!Let's join in all the fun.The Robison's presence is awaited."He muttered
She stared at his hand blankly.
"I warn you,don't ruin this for me Abigail!",he growled.
She rolled her eyes and looked away.
"Okay fine!I'll give the bloody dog a glass of water when we get home."he responded.
"Aaaand?,"she asked impatiently.
"I won't call him bloody again."he continued.
"Fair enough,"she answered grabbing his hand dramatically as well, as they blended into the conversations the other families were having.



Wednesday 22 October 2014


There are better days in life when we want to press pause and live the moment.Some days of course though,you only want to go through them once.This was one of those days for Abigail Robinson.Being a Robinson,a soon to be noble successor among the families that controlled Wall Street,she was expected to portray a glimmer of hope in her speech for her father's memorial.It was the toughest decision in her life.Saying yes to the future, meant saying goodbye to her father, forever.
She walked towards the oak-podium echoing her quick steps of nervousness across the fairly deserted Cathedral.The clocks were now ticking louder and so were the chimer of bells."It's noon," they shouted metaphorically, hypnotizing the congregation into an even gloomier atmosphere.She cleared her throat softly trying to buy time for her brimming tears.She then leaned on the high alter pillar and fixed her pearl-white eyes on the little frisky piece of paper that contained her forcefully written sentiments of hope.She darted her pupils to buy a quick gaze with Charlie who had escorted her to the front,"Charlie, I can't do this,"she whispered.
"I know," he replied. "Just think about the jacket potatoes we left in the oven and how badly they're gonna look if we don't make it home in time," he reckoned goofily at her.
"Charlie!!It's my father's freaking memorial..the least you could do is use a safe word,"she complained.
"Oops, my bad!Really? And what might that be?" he asked ready to watch her raise her white flag.
""she asked due to lack of a better thought.
"Ha!And to think he cut down my salary to send you to private school!Anyway,what i meant was,your father wouldn't want you to lock up your feelings about him,especially on a day like this..the same way he wouldn't want me to stop being funny just because its his memorial but that's besides my point. You don't need tiny piece of paper,all you need is a memory and your heart," he muttered.
"B..b..but what about the noble family concept of giving hope to the others in sadness?'
"Screw that,we're the Robinson Family, our real sentiments are the hope,TRUST ME," he answered wearing his sunglasses, probably inappropriate on a rainy day inside the cathedral, but it suited the moment and also because,well, he was CHARLIE.
After a short but irritably decaying test of patience,she began projecting her voice into the now calm air.She stood firm, clenching her fists and slowly destroying the paper she had inside there.Charlie was happy at the sight of this.
"As I humbly stand here in front of you,I can't help but notice the rain that has befallen this day.Shoots me right back like a thud to a trip down memory lane.It was a rainy day and my father had decided to pick me up from kindergarten without an umbrella.He just happily gave me a warm hug and put me up on his shoulders where I sat and we danced in the rain as all the other children were hurriedly being taken home by gambling space in mini-shelters in intervals.However, we didn't care, we had set our minds to worry about the future when the perfect time comes, for it was pointless to ignore the moment.Yes we both caught a bad cold the next day but compared to everyone else,we were the only ones who had lived the moment.
There's a song my father liked by Baz Luhrman called 'sunscreen' that says, ''Worrying about the future is as ineffective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.'' Back in hospital ,I saw my father on his death bed, and it occurred to me that you never really think about death until you're actually there.Chemicals pumping into your veins while you're stuck in some hospital bed watching the only channel available airing an endless series of "The days of our lives".To be honest, I'm still unclear as to which was killing him faster," she chuckled and so did most of the congregation,"..."but then again we have to think about it in bravery as he did.According to me,nothing in life will call upon us to be more courageous than facing the fact that it ends, but we must never forget that on the other side of heart break, is wisdom,"she continued," And Wall street, family and friends need that heartbreak of losing their own,not because its the end of the road but because there's hope for wisdom," she concluded.

Author: Peris Ngugi


Thursday 16 October 2014

the chronicles of Nimmy Ngugi: SILHOUETTES: CHAPTER 1; THE DAWN OF ROBINSON'S LEG...

the chronicles of Nimmy Ngugi: SILHOUETTES: CHAPTER 1; THE DAWN OF ROBINSON'S LEG...: ''If I'm willing to start what's already new- my father's legacy then maybe I need more than a newer beginning," ...


''If I'm willing to start what's already new-my father's legacy then maybe I need more than a newer beginning," Abigail Robinson muttered these words of misery looking out at the misty eerie-silent, neighborhood of Klugon.
 She stood by her water bed.Her conscience had been driving her absolutely nuts for quite sometime now, as she thought of how insolent she had been to her father for the past couple of months before his soul departed.A teardrop ran down her chubby cheeks as she gasped for some air probably wishing that the chilly air would serve as a bitter pill of comfort. But nothing could fill this dark hollow empty hole that Abby had been feeling that day, not even her joyous dog Whisky.Whisky was now dead asleep. His lullaby? The sad atmosphere and the old Wizard of Oz's hypnotizing theme track of "Somewhere over the rainbow" that had been repeatedly playing in the background for an hour now.
The door was expeditiously flung open and the frosty chill hit Abby's doll-face like a thud.She folded her knuckles at an angle ready to give the blurry intruder a blow to back reality.Just then a tall almost yellow skinny man with a Spanish mustachio stepped forward holding a shiny tray with some green tea.It was Charlie,her butler.
"For goodness sake Charlie! I thought I told you my appetite hit the road today!" She yelled ,hitting the tray to the mahogany floor.
Charlie gave her a blank stare and knelt down on one knee to pick up the pieces.He looked up and spoke back saying,"Well, seems your manners took a trip down the road too,young lady."
"I...I..I'm really sorry Charlie.I'm just so cranky today,"she said looking surprised and apologetic for  what she had done.
"Yeah!And violent too!Sometimes I think you're not who I think you are.Am I even safe here?"Charlie asked sarcastically.
True to Charlie's word,Abby always wore a red fiery face when she was angry that looked too indifferent on her.Her rage, was of the odds.
"Of course you are you old hag,I  promise i'll behave,she answered.
"Okay!Okay!Now quit idling up there like a pastrolist and help me clean up this mess.For all i know, that bloody dog thinks I'm proposing to you,he said pointing at Whisky who was now wide awake and wagging his tail.God knows he's had too many surprises this past month. Firstly, the one who funds his dog food died and secondly his daughter is getting 'proposed' to by the man with the beard who never feeds him.
"Right, remind me why my father hired you again?" she inquired her pearl-eyes wide open.
"He ran out of options!It was either me or this this black man from Ivory Coast with a wanting English accent and we both know "slave trade" was cliche back then little Abby," he answered with a sheepish smile.
"Great,now the real story," she insisted.
"Okay..okay..I'm the only one who didn't steal dog biscuits among all the butlers," he answered, his sheepish smile now bearing a flock.
She laughed sarcastically, "Remind me why I keep you alive?..the other real story S.M.A.R.T.Y P.A.N.T.S"
"Well, firstly, if you must know,I have a resume S.H.O.R.T.Y P.A.N.T.S.  Secondly,I'm the only the only person who's sarcastic enough to take care of you and most importantly, my rapport with your father suggests that he trusts me a lot.I would say more than you, but I guess that would cost us another kettle of green tea down the drain and another awkward "proposal scene".
He didn't have to say more, Abigail had already registered this noble man as the most ideal butler for her.He had that "oomph" that her and her father treasured.They were more than two peas in a pot. . Charlie peeped out the window and trot towards the door mumbling quickly,"Hurry up madam!The hearse is ready to set off."
She grabbed her coal-black purse and lowered her black feathery veil also heading out.This was going to be one hell of a day for a bereaved fifteen year old, but being the strong little girl she was,she had in mind that getting through this grieving would be what she termed as earlier as "More than a newer beginning".Her own legacy.

Author: Peris Ngugi