Thursday 16 October 2014

the chronicles of Nimmy Ngugi: SILHOUETTES: CHAPTER 1; THE DAWN OF ROBINSON'S LEG...

the chronicles of Nimmy Ngugi: SILHOUETTES: CHAPTER 1; THE DAWN OF ROBINSON'S LEG...: ''If I'm willing to start what's already new- my father's legacy then maybe I need more than a newer beginning," ...


''If I'm willing to start what's already new-my father's legacy then maybe I need more than a newer beginning," Abigail Robinson muttered these words of misery looking out at the misty eerie-silent, neighborhood of Klugon.
 She stood by her water bed.Her conscience had been driving her absolutely nuts for quite sometime now, as she thought of how insolent she had been to her father for the past couple of months before his soul departed.A teardrop ran down her chubby cheeks as she gasped for some air probably wishing that the chilly air would serve as a bitter pill of comfort. But nothing could fill this dark hollow empty hole that Abby had been feeling that day, not even her joyous dog Whisky.Whisky was now dead asleep. His lullaby? The sad atmosphere and the old Wizard of Oz's hypnotizing theme track of "Somewhere over the rainbow" that had been repeatedly playing in the background for an hour now.
The door was expeditiously flung open and the frosty chill hit Abby's doll-face like a thud.She folded her knuckles at an angle ready to give the blurry intruder a blow to back reality.Just then a tall almost yellow skinny man with a Spanish mustachio stepped forward holding a shiny tray with some green tea.It was Charlie,her butler.
"For goodness sake Charlie! I thought I told you my appetite hit the road today!" She yelled ,hitting the tray to the mahogany floor.
Charlie gave her a blank stare and knelt down on one knee to pick up the pieces.He looked up and spoke back saying,"Well, seems your manners took a trip down the road too,young lady."
"I...I..I'm really sorry Charlie.I'm just so cranky today,"she said looking surprised and apologetic for  what she had done.
"Yeah!And violent too!Sometimes I think you're not who I think you are.Am I even safe here?"Charlie asked sarcastically.
True to Charlie's word,Abby always wore a red fiery face when she was angry that looked too indifferent on her.Her rage, was of the odds.
"Of course you are you old hag,I  promise i'll behave,she answered.
"Okay!Okay!Now quit idling up there like a pastrolist and help me clean up this mess.For all i know, that bloody dog thinks I'm proposing to you,he said pointing at Whisky who was now wide awake and wagging his tail.God knows he's had too many surprises this past month. Firstly, the one who funds his dog food died and secondly his daughter is getting 'proposed' to by the man with the beard who never feeds him.
"Right, remind me why my father hired you again?" she inquired her pearl-eyes wide open.
"He ran out of options!It was either me or this this black man from Ivory Coast with a wanting English accent and we both know "slave trade" was cliche back then little Abby," he answered with a sheepish smile.
"Great,now the real story," she insisted.
"Okay..okay..I'm the only one who didn't steal dog biscuits among all the butlers," he answered, his sheepish smile now bearing a flock.
She laughed sarcastically, "Remind me why I keep you alive?..the other real story S.M.A.R.T.Y P.A.N.T.S"
"Well, firstly, if you must know,I have a resume S.H.O.R.T.Y P.A.N.T.S.  Secondly,I'm the only the only person who's sarcastic enough to take care of you and most importantly, my rapport with your father suggests that he trusts me a lot.I would say more than you, but I guess that would cost us another kettle of green tea down the drain and another awkward "proposal scene".
He didn't have to say more, Abigail had already registered this noble man as the most ideal butler for her.He had that "oomph" that her and her father treasured.They were more than two peas in a pot. . Charlie peeped out the window and trot towards the door mumbling quickly,"Hurry up madam!The hearse is ready to set off."
She grabbed her coal-black purse and lowered her black feathery veil also heading out.This was going to be one hell of a day for a bereaved fifteen year old, but being the strong little girl she was,she had in mind that getting through this grieving would be what she termed as earlier as "More than a newer beginning".Her own legacy.

Author: Peris Ngugi