Thursday 2 April 2015


The arena of the ball was packed with pure optimism and as one arrived, they immediately embarked in conducting what the theme instructed: Good ties.The lights were incredibly patterned around the building in a rainbow format luring and inviting all the guests that evening and as per schedule the coupled members of wall street family business stepped up to the center of the gallantly shinning floor.It was time for the first ballroom dance.
Scott seemed rather excited about everything going on around him and immediately he saw the fright on Abigail's face, he quickly responded to her mood."Hey,shake those stars from your hair pretty moon-child,it's time to dance with the noonday-sun,"he said smiling and grabbing her hand.
"Great,right,that makes me feel a whole lot better,"she answered in mockery.
"Please,lets dance!" he grabbed her hand and started towards the middle of the room,but she tugged him back,"Scott,I..I don't know this dance." Her serious yet warm eyes startled at him.He wanted to kiss her again so she averted his gaze.
"It doesn't matter, I can show you." He trailed his finger down her skin where her dress folded open on top.
"Trust me,it'll be romantic." He grimaced.
"Gyrating besides strangers on a packed dance floor is far from romantic," she added.
"You've never gyrated with me though," He pointed out raising his eyebrows.
This time,she followed her empty smiling through her eyes.He was right to keep his promise on showing her, but God she hated the dance!A blow to the cheek one minute and discussing a romantic getaway the next wasn't exactly her forte.It was the one step forward, two steps back waltz.She wanted to scream at the thought of having to go through this for one more hour.
Scott noticed her ever jolly mood was fading off,so he decided to take her to the next room and meet minds with her as they shared a glass of champagne.
"I know you want this night to end so bad, but this glass of champagne marks the beginning of your best night ever.'' he said to cheer her up.
"And why is that?'' she asked still puzzled.
"Because I'm going to try hard to make you love me Abigail Robinson.''he answered winking at her with his impeccable Adonis smile.
''This bastard was in a self-help program?For what? Square-jawed, cleft-chin sufferers? Handsome anonymous?"she thought.
"Well in that case , Mr.Daimler,I suggest you play your best card wisely." she answered receiving the glass of champagne he had poured for her which in the event of the handing over, spilled onto her silk dress.
"So much for wisdom!'' she said in an almost displeased tone.She expeditiously stood up in an attempt to clean her silk dress and he joined her with a white cloth in cleaning up the stain.
In the midst of it all,he locked eyes with him," What's the matter,disappointed? he paused, "Well if I can hardly lick champagne off your dazzling personality, I might as well wipe it off your dress." He smirked.
"Goodness!Of all the times to sound charming Scott!"she impulsively rebuked him smiling through her eyes. "I'm sorry Abby,I couldn't resist a little flirting,just a little." He said, hoping his words had finally got to her.
She was a little impressed by his active persuasion but she wouldn't let him busk in glory.'' Ha! So this is it huh?..'the best card'? Dashing, I must say" she commented in a sarcastic tone hoping to make him squirm.
"Not at all,not even half of it, would you do me the honors of sharing this dance with me so that I make it up to you?" he asked reaching out for her little feminine hand wrapped up in silver.
"Sorry, i think I've gone way over my comfort zone according to my dance graph this evening," she replied reluctantly , dodging his hand as she pretended to stare at the imaginary graphical representation that she held.
''Come on beautiful!I'll let you in on more of the best card move and its existence.I promise it won't stain your dress again." he pleaded as he chuckled.
''SCOTT'S honor?'' she asked backing up his chuckle.
He put his hand across his macho chest bursting into laughter,"You know it gorgeous, 'SCOTT'S HONOR'."
"Well,in that case,don't disappoint me Daimler.Wait,what if you try to kill me? Or worse: to kiss me?" she asked.
"You never know what's coming your way until you try it Miss.Robinson.So come on, don't leave me hanging," he pleaded.
She chuckled adding."I have a feeling this is gonna be worse than the time I table-danced in the diner in High School."
At this point, all her words sounded like background music, their utter lyrics landing on on his ears melodiously.He cut her short, silencing her with his finger on her full lips and slipped his arm around her waist and gathering her close to his body in an attempt to give her a Que and finally easing her into a slow waltz.
"So what's your story Mr.Daimler,what were you doing 8 states away from home for the past year?''She asked as they embraced the waltz progressively.
"Well if you must know Miss.Robinson, I went to the Himalayas.
"What on earth were you doing in the Himalayas?"
"Um,trying to climb an excessively elusive mountain."
"You're a mountaineer!'' Her eyes were brilliant in excitement.
"Well an amateur one.What about you,what's yours?"
"Ha!well,my major vice is my non-emotionally tuned nature and sarcasm with a side of caffeine addiction.And also, I continue to live with a butler who refuses to feed my dog.On my father's funeral, he forgot to put water in his dish,"she said breaking into a squeaky laughter." I guess someone as weird as Charlie( not me ) would assume that the fact we named it after a drink it would be eternally quenched.
He stared at her in amazement and asked rhetorically, "Are you always this funny and weird?",
"Wanna know what I think?" he asked.
"Sure, go ahead and pretend to know me," she answered.
"You are the perfect balance of nature and charm, at the same time fascinating and inaccessible,distant because of your demonstrated flawlessness, and possessing such strength of character that you are dismaying and at the same time utterly attractive in an enticing and forbidden way.'' he concluded as he twirled her around and he flipped her over,"
" You forgot one charming philosopher,NOT INTERESTED."
"If you really don't have any feelings Miss.Robinson, why are you blushing and fixing your hair?''
" Because i haven't powered my nose all night, this is me applying the law of substitution Mr. Daimler." she answered in an almost perfect defense.
The bitter truth was, she was experiencing a panic attack and mind block all at the same time.Here she was, staring at potential romantically inclined 'danger' from one of the people who she would run the family business with.There was no doubt that she was deeply drawn to him.However, this puzzled her,was puzzled,feelings had always been confusing for her because they couldn't be translated into logic.
Just then, a tall slender gentleman with Harry Potter spectacles, Tyler Blake, walked into in the room and with bubbly look on his face. He was happy to see them, his favorite childhood friends and also soon-to-be partners to be in their reign of Wall street.They embraced him in delight breaking the silence with pearls of laughter after engaging in small-talk with each one of them, Blake asked Abigail if he could kindly have a word with Scott. They stepped into the drizzly atmosphere, which seemed as if it was about to be sentenced to a downpour in a few seconds and shifted into a serious conversation. with a man in a black car which had just stopped by.
As she wore her coat getting ready to leave,she happened to eavesdrop their conversation not intentionally but because the man in the car caught her attention by rolling up the window and she immediately paid attention and recognized a peculiar detail on it that looked rather familiar.
"Did you get the chip?" Blake questioned the man in the car.
"No, i didn't", he answered in a hoarse Russian accent.He must be an old man, she thought.
"Don't worry,I have another plan,"'Scott reassured the both of them, as he turned and gave Abigail a flirty smile.She smiled back.
If there's something  her father taught her is that there's something wrong with smiley people they're either selling something or not very bright.
After a few minutes Scott came back in ready to walk Abigail out, he said to her,''I'm sorry I don't mean to ran over our little parade but something came up and I have to leave soon."
"Sure,don't worry about it." she answered.
"Shall I walk you out Miss.Robinson?"he as he pecked the back of her hand.
"Why not?" she replied sounding a little disappointed and leading the way.
He stopped her at the doorstep and said to her "I'm sorry sweet cheeks, I really did want to talk to you more about your retarded butler," His free hand went to her face and cupped her cheek.
Something tightened pleasantly in her belly."Just talk,huh?" she breathed.
He nodded, but used their clasped hands to pull her closer to him.She raised her head and met his eyes, a storm of blue and green.She smirked.
"That's a shame.'' She muttered walking away.
Scott watched her as she entered her car and drove off blending into the pitch-darkness behind the ball building.It was at that very moment, that it occurred to him that something about her perception of him had shifted balance.

Author:Peris Ngugi


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