Sunday 7 August 2016

Love for the ages. Specifically ages 18-81.

Cupid, that chubby cherub love dispenser, is dead. But before he died, he appointed me his apprentice in love. 

I loved Cupid, and that was precisely why I killed him. I strangled him. Then I shot him 17 times with his heart-shaped arrows.

Then I burned his body while I roasted and toasted marshmallows and toasted to the good times he brought to the world.

Then I took his ashes and mixed them in cake batter and literally consumed him.

Mark it down: I have officially taken over as the foremost authority on love.

I can't fly around like he could, but I have other endearing qualities. I can’t think of any at the moment, but I must have some.
Grand dudes and dudettes!! Now that I have your attention ,this is a brutal announcement that these chronicles shall be revived as soon as i'm done executing cupid's estate.

I don't understand how such a tiny creature can own these much love hearts.

Stay tuned for THEE ULTIMATE CHAPTER 4 OF THE SILHOUETTES SERIES ON 11/8/2016..THIS THURSDAY. I wrote these next few chapters near the lake,so expect a watery love tale.

yours blogfully,


  1. Dear cupid apprentice. I'm the king of hearts. We have a lot to discuss but considering your young feeble journey just took feet... I'll make it brief. Thank you for finishing my arch rival for me. Shaddy job though but an amazing piece of literature.

    1. Dear 'King of hearts', I don't blame you kings with diminishing time &empires for challenging my brilliance..I know it's part of your idle time..oops I meant actual daily routine hustle*..Thus you are welcome to read more and WISH to have my slaying skills.I am very charitable your highness.
      Thank you :)

    2. Dear 'King of hearts', I don't blame you kings with diminishing time &empires for challenging my brilliance..I know it's part of your idle time..oops I meant actual daily routine hustle*..Thus you are welcome to read more and WISH to have my slaying skills.I am very charitable your highness.
      Thank you :)
